Landlords, Managing Agents and Commercial Building Managers.

How Can We Help Landlords, Managing Agents and Commercial Building Managers comply with their responsibilities under this Regulation.
The Authorities have a range of tools available to them to ensure compliance by Commercial Building Managers with the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, the current law relating to Managing the Risk arising from Fire and Other Emergencies within their building.
Of course Professional Managers want to ensure that their buildings do comply without having the Authorities visit and find them at fault.
Risks to people within buildings can never be removed altogether but it can be managed down to a tolerable level, and to demonstrate that the Building Managers, have taken their responsibilities seriously and put in place sufficient safeguards as they can reasonably be expected to provide, shows that they are aware of and on top of such responsibilities.
Buildings nowadays are not built without strict compliance to current Building Regulations and these safeguard the building standards applicable as dictated within. Structures now have a certain amount of passive fire resistance designed into them, but as you go back in time these Rules did not apply and older buildings may not have such benefits and be of greater risk to the occupants.
There is a greater fire risk factor between purpose built blocks of flats, houses converted into flats and Houses of Multi-occupation (HMOs). Different considerations apply between these types of Residential premises as risks multiply, same applies to Places of Employment, Places where people sleep such as Hotels, Hospitals all require different considerations.
But We Can Assist Building Managers in:
- Understanding the Fire Regulations
- Understanding their Responsibilities
- Obtaining a Professional Fire Risk Assessment
- Explaining the implications and requirements of the Fire Risk Assessment document
- Helping to Project Manage and supervise the works required within the Fire Risk Assessment
- Liaising with tenants (experience has taught that their non co-operation can be one of the biggest obstacles in completing works).
- Provide Installation Services at best price
- Provide Certification and documentation for works completed under our supervision.
- Liaise with Fire and Rescue Services, Building Control as and when required for any local Fire Safety requirements.
Please contact Chris Day E:[email protected]