Emergency Lighting
Current legislation requires the “Responsible Person”, to consider all aspects of Fire Safety within their premises and included in this requirement is the provision of Emergency Lighting systems.
Under the new Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which became law on the 1st October 2006, it is now mandatory to undertake a written Fire Risk Assessment and to maintain this as a “living document”. i.e. it should be re-assessed at least annually, and updated in the event of any changes made to the premises which should be incorporated into the document.
The new Fire Safety Order encompasses and takes the place of all previous fire safety legislation and all aspects of Fire Safety are now together under this order and now non-compliance is dealt with under the authority of criminal law.

Design of Systems:
We can assist in the design and costing of suitable emergency lighting systems.
On a Power fail the escape routes need to be illuminated sufficiently to allow a safe evacuation from the premises and illuminate sufficiently the route to be followed including any change of direction, change of level, not forgetting stairways and final exit points inside and outside.
It may be possible to convert or replace existing luminaires into dual-purpose fittings.
The systems should be capable of being tested for periods without turning off the main lighting system.
The testing regime:
- Every month the site operators should perform a flick test, using the test switches provided to cut power off to the lights, to make sure the emergency lights illuminate and then record check in the site Emergency Light/ Fire Prevention Log Book.
- A Competent Engineer should be called out so defects should be repaired as soon as practicable
- Every 12 months a competent Engineer should undertake a full 3 hr battery drain down test and report results in the site Emergency Light/Fire Prevention log book
- Engineer to issue a certificate to site showing result
- Any repairs needed should be undertaken as soon as possible
What is Emergency Lighting?
Emergency lights are self-contained units that are wired into the mains, but have the benefit of battery backup which enables them to remain illuminated should the mains power fail. The batteries can either be carried within the body of the individual light or accessed by lights via an independent wired circuit. The batteries are kept charged via the mains.
What Standards should be observed in Emergency Lighting?
These systems should conform to BS5266 and BS5588
What is a maintained Emergency Lighting?
This type remains illuminated and works normally via the mains, should the mains fail batteries will keep the unit illuminated for at least 1 hour 3hours.
What is a non-maintained Emergency Light?
This type is not ordinarily illuminated, but will automatically illuminate should mains power fail
Why do I need such lights?
Because in the event of a power failure you must ensure your building is evacuated safely and quickly and the escape routes and emergency exits need to be illuminated to achieve this
Do I need to have theses emergency lights maintained?
Yes, a Maintenance Contract is available from us and our Engineer will make 2 visits annually to check your systems out.
I have seen green signs in buildings pointing towards the emergency exits, do I need these?
Signage is all part and parcel of such a system whether they are a type of luminaire or a simple stand-alone plastic sign in an area lit by an emergency light.
I have people on the premises with special needs, do I have to cater for them Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 as amended in 2004?
yes you must, it is an issue which should be brought to the attention of our surveyor so that he can advise on alterations necessary, your Fire Strategy must protect their interests also
the BBC site may be useful go to:
This site may assist and answer some of your questions, alternatively, this subject is widely covered on the Internet and can be accessed via a Google search.